Friday, April 24, 2009

What the Bleep?

One of my favorite documentaries that I've ever seen in the amusingly titled, "What the Bleep Do We Know?."  This film deals largely with quantum physics and behavioral biology; in essence it is relating current scientific knowledge with spiritual belief, for once showing their amazing similarities in a number of areas.  Although this film deals with a lot of highfalutin' theoretical material, it is presented in layman's terms by the experts consulted.  For easy illustration, there are animated sequences and skits of all sorts.  The film functions as a narrative, wherein these various macro subjects are discussed in relation to events that occur in the life of a deaf woman who continuously encounters unpleasant circumstances.  While the format is a bit odd at first, it serves well enough in linking together the theories, which are amazing.  A particularly favorite segment of mine involves a Japanese scientist who was researching the effects of intent upon ice crystals.  He would get three sets of water filled petri dishes.  One set would be given nice messages such as blessings or "I love you," notes, etc.  One set would get negative messages, and one would get nothing.  When he froze these things, he discovered that all of the dishes that had received positive messages had beautiful patterns in their ice crystals.  The negative messages had far more stark and irregular patterns.  The neutral group looked normal.  As the scientist realized, "if our thoughts can do this to water, imagine what they can do to us."  Cool stuff.
There are a couple of different versions of this film out there, and I know at least one of them is on youtube.  It is definitely worth checking out, especially if you are pondering the meaning of life (or you want to sound really, really smart at the next party you go to.)  See for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, this film does make complicated ideas accessible and uses the highest of production values to do it. Not a cheap film, but a huge seller in the home DVD market.
